Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another day

It seems like, everytime I start to make strides to do better at things, something happens that makes me mad at myself. Like this morning. I lock my keys in my car. It is embarrassing, not that I did it but that I do it so much. Then I think about it. and being mad at myself, and thinking about what other people would think and worried that I would upset them or they would be mad at me. all of that is selfishness, it is like feeling sorry for myself. It happened, it changed the plans of a few people and it is done. A wonderful woman, offered to give me a ride to help take care of getting my spare key, and as we were driving, God used her to show me my wrong attitude. She said, you know, this is just another example of God's sovereignty. (sp?) We had plans about how this morning would go, but God knew what was actually gonna happen, so our plans got changed, oh well. WOW. here I am thinking I am stupid and how could I and just that one sentence reminded me, this isn't about me at all. period, Forgive me Lord for my selfish attitude, and thank you for Christ-like women that You have led me to, to show me these things.


  1. Who was the lady? A friend or random stranger? What a blessing! Even that person was put into your path for just that circumstance. :)

  2. She is a friend. I was at a Bible Study,and she is one of the women in Tania's church (it is a women's Bible study at T's church lol)

  3. I just have to say... that God has blessed me in my church with lots of Godly women who council and lovingly speak the truth. It has been a blessing. And they all love Erin too.. so, they will do the same for her! :)
