Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Been a few days

Alot has happened this week. I am trying to sort it all out in my head. I am getting there.

Big changes at the office, 2 people are gone, they are trying to get someone new in, more patients, more work, lots of fun! I love what I do, and thank God everyday he put me where he did.

Gavin keeps me on my toes, he is starting to have alot of attitude. I am praying that God gives me the wisdom to deal with it. it is amazing to me that a 2 year old can talk back as well as any teenager!

Other than that, I am just working on keeping up with my diabetes and trying to eat better, another one of those dicipline things :D

Until next time,



  1. He can not!!!! My teen is better than him ANYDAY!!! hehhe Our ped. told us when our boys were 2-4.. it is like when they are 12-14... trying to figure out the whole.. am I a baby or a big kid.. and trying to get independant.. and wanting to do things on their own.. and scared cause they want mommy to still do for them... all that...

  2. Discipline is good for your health! :-)
    Love you
